Wind of the Kingdom
Wind of the Kingdom TV series looks at the approaching return of Jesus, and the coming of God's Kingdom.
The series is focused on Israel as the central place in these events. Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew) will return to Jerusalem as the King over all. God's Spirit is preparing His bride for the wedding of the Lamb, and the world for judgment.
Episodes that give insight into the area of Samaria are marked with (S).
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Produced by Heaven TV7 Finland. Distributed by Maoz Israel.
Episode 1 (S)
Western Helpers Are Problem for Palestinians
Very few Palestinians dare to speak what they think about solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. When they do, it is far from the “official truth” repeated in the Western media. They see Israelis as their hope.
– Interview with Palestinian Human Rights Activist Bassem Eid
Episode 2 (S)
UNRWA Maintains the Palestinian Refugee Problem
UNRWA (a UN-controlled organization) has kept Palestinians in refugee camps for almost 70 years. 99 percent of UNRWA employees are, themselves, Palestinian refugees, holding on to the hope that the current situation will not change.
– Interview with Palestinian Human Rights Activist Bassem Eid
Episode 3 (S)
A Tale of Two States
Western countries have tried to turn Judea and Samaria into a Palestinian state. However, both Palestinians and Israelis who live in the area have scorned at the two state solution already since 2014.
– Interview with Refugee Mohammed Ayyash, Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus,
and Professor Abraham Sion, Law and Mass Media Center, Ariel University
Episode 4 (S)
The Right of Return to Israel
On the one hand, God has promised to bring Israel back to the land He gave Abraham as an eternal possession. On the other hand, UNRWA has been preparing for five million Palestinian Arabs to return to the same land, in part through allowing terrorists to teach in UN schools.
– Interview with Calev Myers, Founder, Jerusalem Institute of Justice
Episode 5 (S)
Human Rights in the Wrong Hands
For the sake of UN Human Rights, several generations of Palestinian refugees have lost their right to a normal life. Also, in Africa, strange things have been done in the name of human rights. Misused human rights are near the end, headed toward a collision course
in Jerusalem.
– Interview with Calev Myers, Founder, Jerusalem Institute of Justice and others
Episode 6 (S)
Fighting Israel with Hitler's Weapons
The "Big Lie" technique developed by Hitler is still used in war against the Jews. Now it is used by the Palestinian leaders, and repeated by the Western media.
– Interview with Professor Abraham Sion, Law and Mass Media Center, Ariel University
Episode 7 (S)
The God of Israel Has a Purpose for the Arabs
The Arabs' calling connects with Israel's salvation, and the Palestinians in particular have a special role in this. What's more, the Bible contains a marvelous promise for the Arabs, which is yet to be fulfilled.
– Interview with Rania Sayegh, House of Prayer & Exploits, Nazareth, Israel
Episode 8
Yeshua Moves on Isaiah's Highway
The highway mentioned in Isaiah 19 links Egypt to Assyria, via Israel. Believers who live along this highway are sharing stories of how more and more people along this highway have met Yeshua. The high promised in the book of Isaiah has come alive in front of our eyes. Israel will be a central part of this highway.
– Interviews with believers along the Isaiah 19 highway in the Middle East
Episode 9
Eastern Nations on the Road to Jerusalem
World history reached half-time on the Solomon Islands, and now the nations of the East are on the road to Jerusalem, heading along the Isaiah 62 Highway. What's more, Houses of Prayer have a very special role in the construction of these highways toward Jerusalem.
– Interview with Dr. George Annadorai, Singapore
​Episode 10
The Holy Spirit Unites Africa and Israel
The wind of God's Spirit is blowing through Africa, bringing the entire continent back to its age-old close relationship with Israel. As a result, Africa is also receiving the blessing which was promised through Abraham.
– Interview with Olusegun Olanipekun, CEO of the Institute for Christian Leadership Development, South Africa, and African leaders from various sectors
Episode 11
The Kingdom of God and Israel
When Yeshua returns from Heaven to Jerusalem, He will establish His kingdom on earth, what the Jews expected during His first coming to earth. Benjamin Berger, raised as an Orthodox Jew, met Yeshua about 50 years ago. He tells about this kingdom and how he began to wait for it.
– Interview with Pastor Benjamin Berger, Jerusalem
​Episode 12
Fight over the Temple Mount
The Temple Mount is the place where Yeshua will come back to rule as King over all the nations. That´s why there is a fight over this mountain, and it will last until the very end. Christians turned the Temple Mount into a garbage dump in the 7th century. Afterwards, they handed it off to the Muslims, so they could build a mosque. Christians today are ready to hand the Temple Mount off to the Islamic state.
– Interview with Rick Ridings, Succat Hallel, Jerusalem
Episode 13
Heralds of the Antichrist
The Bible says that during the last days, both the Messiah and the Antichrist will come. In Germany, the Lutheran church prepared the way for the coming of Hitler, a forerunner to the Antichrist. Whose coming are Christian churches now making preparations for?
– Interview with Eliyahu Ben-Haim, the Chairman of Intercessors for Israel,
Jerusalem and others
Episode 14
Nations on Their Way to the Valley of Decision
70 years after the end of World War II, German Christians are deeply concerned about those nations that are now turning against Israel. They are challenging people to pray for their own nation's relationship with Israel, because only the “lamb nations” that Yeshua speaks of will enter into His kingdom.
– Interview with Harald Eckert, the Founding Director of Global Prayer Call,
Germany, and others
Episode 15
I Cannot Be Silent
Natalie grew up in the Old City of Jerusalem, in the middle of the hatred that her community carried against Jews. However, God came into her life and changed her heart to love Jews in the middle of the second intifada. Her love for the God of Israel led her to marry a Jewish man. Her cry for the Jews became a song, “I Will Not Keep Silent.”
– The story of Natalie, who grew up in the midst of anti-Israeli atmosphere in
the Old City of Jerusalem
​Episode 16 (S)
Europe, Heir of Babel
The EU is a barrier to Palestinian-Israeli cooperation in the so-called West Bank. The values of the EU rise from Babel, and from that root always comes a fruit that is against Israel. The book of Daniel tells about the last rulers of this world before the return of Yeshua. God foretold these events, that His people could read the signs of the time and prepare itself for the coming of the Messiah.
– Interviews with Palestinians and Israelis working inside Israeli companies in Samaria
Episode 17
Russia, the Third Rome
The behavior of Russia is based on the belief that it has a Messianic calling. Russia believes it demonstrates the only "proper" Christianity, and in the end, it will save the world. Russia sees itself as "the Third Rome" and the heir of the Byzantine Empire, where Christianity was adopted as a property of the state. Russia believes it is the chosen nation, and that brings it onto a collision course with God´s chosen people, Israel.
– Interview with Anna Geifman, Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Episode 18
Islam, Culture of Death
Islamic terrorism is not an erroneous interpretation of Islam, for underscoring the Islamic faith is a worship of death. In this culture, death has become a goal and a desired end, rather than life. Societies that have been born with the help of terrorism channel their powers into killing. The Palestinians transfer the culture of death to the next generation under the protection of the UN, and also with the help of Western taxpayer money.
– Interview with Anna Geifman, Professor, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Episode 19
All Israel Will Return
God is bringing all the 12 Israeli tribes back to Israel. All over the world, during the last few years, many people have suddenly found their Israeli roots. The State of Israel and those who support Aliyah have awakened to this reality. Anusim and Marranos are the first to begin the homecoming of lost Israelites.
– Interview with Giovanni Melchionda, Dr., Historian, Italy, and others
​Episode 20
Back to the Land with the Messiah
Faith in Yeshua as the Messiah has divided Jews since the time of Yeshua. Now millions of people, like Anusim and Marranos, not generally known to be Jews, are about to return to Israel. Many of them are followers of Yeshua, and it has sent questions about Yeshua back to the table in Israel. The founders of the State of Israel did not believe in Yeshua as the Messiah. Now, faith in Yeshua has become a topic at the government level in Israel.
– Interview with Sergio DellaPergola, Professor, Hebrew University, Jerusalem,
and others
​Episode 21
Jerusalem in the Midst of the Nations
Two events held in Jerusalem -the dedication party for the U.S. Embassy, and the March of the Nations- shone a new light on the importance of Jerusalem, and the Jews, among the nations of the world. Both events took place during Israel´s 70th anniversary, and a new kind of unity began among Jews and Christians.
– The U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem, and the March of the Nations