Whole House of Israel
There are descendants of Jacob who are not Jews. In the Whole House of Israel series, we'll get to know them better.
Episode 1
Year 3659
The Samaritans are descendants of the northern kingdom of Israel, the northern tribes. They just started year 3659 in the promised land.
– Interview with Abood Cohen, grandson of the Samaritan high priest.
Episode 2
Samaritan Passover
The Samaritans had a Passover ceremony on 25th of April on Mount Gerizim. They still celebrate the Passover as at the time of Moses.
During the ceremony, they sang an ancient song that says they are the bones of Joseph.
Episode 3
Bones of Joseph 1/2
Why do the Samaritans sing that they are bones of Joseph? Interview with a Samaritan priest, cantor Najeh Ahed Cohen.
Episode 4
Samaritan Shavuot
The Samaritans celebrate the feast of Shavuot (Feast of Weeks, Pentecost) by making a pilgrimage to the top of Mount Gerizim. Interview with Abood Cohen, grandson of the Samaritan high priest.
Episode 5
Bones of Joseph 2/2
The bones of Joseph are buried near the Samaritan village, and there is a thousands of years old connection between the two. Interview with Samaritan priest, cantor Najeh Ahed Cohen.
Episode 6
Mount Gerizim National Park
Mount Gerizim National Park in Samaria carries the story of the division of Israel into two kingdoms and the tortuous history of the Samaritans holy mountain.
Episode 7
Samaritan Feast of Trumpets
The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) begins the autumn biblical feasts. We will see how the Samaritans, the remnant of the northern kingdom of Israel, are celebrating the Feast of Trumpets. Interview with Abood Cohen, grandson of the high priest.
Episode 8
Samaritan Yom Kippur
During Yom Kippur, the day of Atonement, the entire Samaritan community is fasting and the prayer continues for 25 hours. Interview with Abood Cohen, grandson of the high priest.
Episode 9
Samaritan Sukkot
The Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) concludes the autumn biblical feasts. This episode tells how the Samaritans celebrate Sukkot and the 8th day after that. Interview with Abood Cohen, grandson of the high priest.
Episode 10
Ancient Hebrew
The Samaritans, the remnant of the northern kingdom of Israel, still use the ancient Hebrew in which they believe the Torah was originally written. Interview with Abood Cohen, grandson of the high priest.
Episode 11
Samaritan Future
We followed the life of the Samaritan community throughout year 3659. How do the Samaritans see the future? Who is Taheb they are waiting for? Interview with Abood Cohen, grandson of the high priest.
Episode 12
In 3659, Amulet Was Found
One week before the end of the Samaritan year 3659 a significant archaeological find was unveiled. It confirms the return of the Israelites from Egypt as written in the Bible.