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Please Rule the Entire West Bank!

Shechem Media

”If a Palestinian State would be born with this government, no one wants it.” A frustrated Palestinian described us the change that has happened during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Palestinian Territories.

”We can see how the other governments are helping their people during this pandemic. Here, we see that the Palestinian Authority doesn't care about the people at all.”

Corona virus restrictions have ruined the economy of the Palestinians as well as of the others around the world. Because of that, the differences between governments have become obvious.

“The Palestinian Authority just takes the money they get to themselves and give nothing to us.”

The situation at Palestinian villages in Samaria is desperate. People don't get help anywhere. They have started robbing each other and even beggars have appeared to the road sides. And the second wave of the COVID-19 has just only started here.

“Israelis say that they will annex some areas of the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] to Israel in the beginning of July. We as Palestinians don't agree with that. We would like to go back to the situation as it was before the time of Arafat - when Israel ruled the entire West Bank.”

”Palestinian leaders struggle to mobilize street against annexation plans” was a headline in the Times of Israel today. The news story itself tells how the Palestinian Authority managed to organize only 200 Palestinians to demonstrate against Israel’s annexation plans, even the civil servants were allowed a day off.

The following was published in the beginning of June: “It is high time that the Palestinian people move away from the illusion of the two-state solution and try a democratic approach, one that can guarantee their basic rights - freedom, equality, and justice.”

This was written by Haidar Eid, an associate professor at Al-Aqsa University in Gaza. His opinion was published in Al Jazeera, which is owned by the State of Qatar.


Concurrently, more than 1,000 European parliamentarians wrote a joint letter. This letter, published last week, urged European leaders to prevent the Israeli annexation of the West Bank territory and save the two-state solution. The letter was signed by lawmakers of 25 European nations.

Would you like to know what the ordinary Palestinians think about these Europeans? Worse than that, God says in Ezekiel 36:6-7:

”Therefore, prophesy concerning the land of Israel and tell the mountains and hills, the ravines and valleys, that this is what the Lord GOD says: Behold, I have spoken in My burning zeal because you have endured the reproach of the nations. Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: I have sworn with an uplifted hand that surely the nations around you will endure reproach of their own.”

God will take care of the land of Israel and people who live there. But please, pray for Europe.



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