Mountains of Israel
God describes to us through the Bible that the whole house of Israel (all 12 tribes) will return to the land that He promised to Israel's descendants (Ezekiel 37). God exiled the Northern State of Israel (10 northern tribes) 3000 years ago. As tribes, they have not returned to their land yet.
Samaria is the key area in the return of the northern tribes. Samaria was the center of the Northern State of Israel, and most of the sins that caused the expulsion were committed within this area.
The Mountains of Israel is a series of 21 prayer tours made to prepare the land and His people for the return of the northern tribes of Israel.
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Produced by Heaven TV7 Finland. Translated into English and distributed by Shechem Media.
Episode 1
Join us for a prayer tour
Join us for a prayer tour through the mountains of Israel. During this first prayer tour, we'll have a look at what the Bible tells us about the history and the future of the mountains of Israel and the northern tribes of Israel known as, Efraim. We shall study the biblical principles of how to pray for the return of God's people.
Episode 2
Abandoning Judah
The Kingdom of Israel fell apart 3000 years ago below Mt. Gerizim due to Efraim's choice to abandon the king of Judah. On Mt. Gerizim we will pray and ask forgiveness on our own and Efraim's behalf for the sin of abandonment of Judah (the Jewish people).
Episode 3
Golden Calf
On a prayer tour to Bethel we will ask forgiveness for abandoning the feasts of God. The first king of the northern state of Israel, Jeroboam, erected a golden calf and thus separated the northern tribes of Israel from the feasts of God and from Jerusalem. Caesar Constantine repeated the same sin in the 4th century when he separated the Christian faith from its roots.
Episode 4
Man-made religion
We continue the prayer tour in Bethel and ask forgiveness for replacing the God of Israel with man-made religion. 3000 years ago the first king of Israel, Jeroboam, threw the God of Israel behind his back and began a man-made worship service. Christianity has managed to repeat the sin of Jeroboam.
Episode 5
War Against Judah
On this prayer tour to Barkan we will ask forgiveness for fighting against Judah (the Jewish people). The northern state of Israel (Efraim) did not only abandon his brother but begin to fight against him. Christianity has repeated this same sin and continued persecuting the Jewish people throughout history.
Episode 6
Wrong covenant
On this prayer tour to Samaria, the last capital city of the northern state of Israel (Efraim), we will ask forgiveness for adultery of God's people towards God. King Ahab married Jezebel from Sidon, who was an idol worshipper and let her lead the people of God. Jezebel led Israel (Efraim) to become an ally with Baal.
Episode 7
Abandoning the Father
On this prayer tour to Shiloh we will ask forgiveness for, abandoning God as the Father and for choosing to become an orphan. Jeroboam, the first king of the northern state of Israel (Efraim), was fatherless. When God gave him the ten northern tribes to lead, he could not lead them to live as children of God.
Episode 8
Free from the curse
On this prayer tour to Mount Ebal, we will proclaim that it is time for the northern tribes of Israel (Efraim) to begin to return home. Mount Ebal is known in the Bible as the place to declare the curses of the law. We will declare, how Jesus has placed on the cross all the curses of the law of Moses against Efraim and that God will gather Efraim back to its land.
Episode 9
Land of Messiah
On this prayer tour to Mount Hazor, we will proclaim that the Mountains of Israel belong to the people of Israel. God will bring back to Israel the whole house of Israel, also the northern tribes. On Mount Hazor, God promised this land to Abraham and his descendants forever. The northern tribes will return to the land of Israel through the Messiah and for the Messiah.
Episode 10
Resurrection of Efraim
On this prayer tour to the village of Efraim, we will proclaim resurrection over the lost northern tribes of Israel, which is needed so that they can return to their land. Jesus is the firstborn from the dead. He travelled to Efraim after He had raised Lazarus from the dead.
Episode 11
Back to the Father
On this prayer tour we will go to pray at God's signature written on the mountains and we will proclaim Efraim's return to the Father. In the Bible, God calls Himself “I Am.” Father gave this name to Jesus, who will be Efraim's way back to the Father.
Episode 12
A New Heart
On this prayer tour to Jericho, we will proclaim that Efraim will receive a new heart, one that trusts and obeys God. Both Joshua and Jesus won their first victories in Jericho. These victories were based on trusting and obeying God. There will be a prophetic fulfilment of those victories, when Efraim returns to the land with a new heart.
Episode 13
Jesus Unites Judah and Efraim
On this prayer tour to Dothan, we will proclaim that Judah and Efraim will become one nation again, with one King, Jesus, as promised in the Bible. At Dothan the relationship between the sons of Jacob divided for the first time, when Josephs' brothers sold Him, Efraim's father, to Egypt.
Episode 14
Restoration of the Land
On this prayer tour to the ruins of Deir Kala church near Peduel, we will be proclaiming on the Mountains of Israel the ruins will be rebuilt, as promised in the Bible. Also that the restoration of Efraim's relationship with this land will begin through God becoming more important to Efraim than the land.
Episode 15
Door of Hope
On this prayer tour, we visit the scenery of the Valley of Achor. We will move into the final phase of these prayer tours, which is giving thanks to the Lord. The Valley of Achor is the place where Israel once buried their defeat while conquering the land; God has promised to make it a door of hope for Efraim.
Episode 16
Giving Thanks Conquers the Land
On this prayer tour, we visit the scenery of the Valley of Achor. We will move into the final phase of these prayer tours, which is giving thanks to the Lord. The Valley of Achor is the place where Israel once buried their defeat while conquering the land; God has promised to make it a door of hope for Efraim.
Episode 17
Awakening of Samaria
On this prayer tour to Jacob's Well, we will give thanks to God for the first revival that took place there. Jesus told the Samaritans that He was the promised Messiah, and they believed that He was the Savior of the world. We will give thanks to Jesus as He will complete the good work He has started here.
Episode 18
Holy Spirit Fills Samaria
On this prayer tour to the city of Samaria, we will give thanks to God for the first outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Samaria. This outpouring gave birth to a congregation, that united the Samaritans and the Jews who believed in Jesus. We will give thanks for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which is to come to Samaria.
Episode 19
Heritage land
On this prayer tour to Mount Kabir, we will give thanks to God for the inheritance He has promised to give to both the physical and spiritual descendants of Abraham. The physical descendants will inherit the land of Israel and the spiritual descendants the whole world through the seed of Abraham, Jesus the Messiah.
Episode 20
Return of the Son of Man
On this prayer tour to the Mount of Olives, we will give thanks to God for the second coming of the Son of Man, Jesus. When He returns to the Mount of Olives, the rule of the evil will cease and His holy ones will inherit the earth. We will give thanks for His grace and His judgements.
Episode 21
Kingdom of God
On this prayer tour to Jerusalem, we will give thanks to God for the visible Kingdom of God, that will appear to the earth when Jesus returns as the King. He will rule this millennial Kingdom of peace from the Temple Mount with His resurrected saints.