Prophetic books from Mountains of Israel
Shechem & Ezekiel 37

'Shechem and Ezekiel 37' gives a prophetic insight about the calling of the city of Shechem in our days.
Shechem has been the stage for many of the central events described in the Bible. Shechem is located on the Mountains of Israel between Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal. In our days the place is called Nablus.
Shechem and the promises in Ezekiel 37 are inseparably bound together.
Ezek. 37 begins by describing the dry bones coming alive and their return to Israel. Shechem is the place where the dry bones have already once been returned to. It happened when the nation of Israel upon her return from Egypt brought the bones of Joseph there.
Ezek. 37 continues by explaining how the sticks of Joseph and Judah will again be joined together. Shechem is the city where the unity between Ephraim (10 northern tribes of Israel) and Judah was once broken.
Ezek. 37 ends with a promise that Israel will again be the nation of God, and "I will be their God." When the nation of Israel had returned from Egypt, it committed herself to God in Shechem between the mountains of Gerizim and Ebal. Later on, Israel broke this commitment.
At Jacob's Well near Mount Gerizim Jesus revealed, for the first time, that He is the promised Messiah. He came to restore the broken relationship between God and mankind. Shechem has also a unique significance and a calling in preparation for the return of the Messiah Jesus.
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